Customized Support for Customized Code — At No Extra Charge

Most organizations run core business applications, customizing enterprise software to meet their unique business needs. Timely and customized support of these modifications is critical to help ensure smooth operations and minimal downtime — which are the source of the majority of high-priority issues. Software vendors do not typically include customization support in their standard maintenance programs, forcing the need to hire expensive, external consultants or dedicate internal resources to support the business-critical customized code.

Issue resolution and fixes for customizations without straining the budget

Customizing an ERP system addresses unique enterprise requirements and is vital for performance and differentiation. An improvement over standard ERP vendor support, Rimini Street third-party enterprise application support covers integral, mission-critical customizations — as if they were part of the standard, delivered product — at no additional charge.

Rimini Street Support for Customized Code for Oracle and SAP Software

Free up customization support resources to focus on revenue and growth projects

Each Rimini Street client is assigned an experienced Primary Support Engineer to lead the resolution of issues efficiently and develop solutions that directly help address the support of custom applications. Rimini Street expertise in customized support for modified code, with direct knowledge of unique environments and modifications, helps clients reallocate their enterprise application support resources from supporting customizations to revenue- or value-enhancing projects.

Third-Party Support Services for Customized Code Including Issue Resolution and Fixes

Why Rimini Street

The software vendor’s one-size-fits-all support model is designed to optimize their efficiency and operating margins, not the customer's. Their incomplete support program forces the hiring of external consultants or the adding of internal resources to support business-critical customized code. Rimini Street independent, third-party support includes custom application support for modified code at no extra charge.

Better model

Get enterprise application support for customization issues whenever needed. Urgent issues related to customizations and modified code don’t always happen at convenient times; a large majority of all support cases received at Rimini Street are related to customized code. Rimini Street fixes for customizations are built and tested for clients' unique processes and environments, reducing time to resolution and risk of downtime.

Better people

Reduce the time to resolution for custom code issues through experts on the front lines. Get application support from highly experienced engineers who work directly with clients to understand their business processes, not just the software. The Rimini Street global support team is always prepared, staffed, and ready to help 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Better outcomes

Free up resources supporting customizations today. Rimini Street engineers resolve issues and develop fixes that directly address customizations, allowing for reallocation of client internal expertise and resources toward innovation or critical business initiatives.

Support for Customized Code for Oracle and SAP Software at No Additional Charge

Featured Clients

Featured Clients
Featured Clients

Having support from Rimini ONE has greatly reduced the need for our team to provide after-hours support and enabled them to spend more time on strategic projects that add greater value for our customers. The partnership is definitely paying off dividends.”

– Stefan Vargheese Engineering Manager
Featured Clients
Pacific Textiles Logo

With SAP, it could take up to four hours to get a ticket response. With Rimini Street, if we have a P1 critical issue, they respond within 10 minutes. And Rimini Street covers our customizations that we used to have to pay for additional professional services to support.”

– Hubert Tsang CIO
Featured Clients
Featured Clients

Within the first month of deploying Rimini Protect™ for SAP, we found several vulnerabilities which were quickly corrected. We never would have discovered all of these issues by just applying security patches.”

– Jeff Miller Director, Business Relationship Management

Get support for customizations now.

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