Nevada Partnership for Homeless Youth

Nevada Partnership for Homeless Youth – Visit to NPHY + COVID-19 Supply Donation

An alarming number of children and young adults hide on the streets of Las Vegas, many running away from abusive and/or neglectful situations in their homes and families. These thousands of precious youths are most often put in harm’s way, vulnerable to traffickers, gangs, substance abuse, and a downward spiral, far from their dreams of realizing their full potential in life.

Nevada Partnership for Homeless Youth has been hard at work since 2001 to be the safe haven and friend to the young homeless population of Southern Nevada. The NPHY offers a wide-range of comprehensive care for the newly homeless, those who have been home insecure for a longer period of time, and youths who are in need of intermittent resources, understanding that the needs and concerns vary greatly on an individual basis.

While reuniting their clients to their family and back in a safe, stable environment is the ultimate goal, NPHY realizes this is not always the best or feasible option and will offer opportunities for their clients to be placed in a temporary shelter or with a foster family where they can receive counseling and coaching to become self-sufficient and independent.

NPHY is accessible 24/7 by phone for emergency rescue of children and teens in danger, partnering with several local gas stations, libraries, and businesses where they can receive help right away during critical moments. From drop-in centers to onsite support at schools and around the city, NPHY is an essential part of the Las Vegas community Rimini Street is proud to support with financial and in-kind donations including COVID-19 supplies during the height of the pandemic.