Rimini Street benefits

Comprehensive Coverage

Comprehensive Coverage

Integrated support and services for your enterprise software landscape
Engineer-led Expertise

Engineer-led Expertise

Primary Support Engineers who average 20+ years of experience
Guaranteed Service

Guaranteed Service

Industry-leading SLAs to optimize your outcomes

Featured Clients

Featured Clients
Featured Clients

Having support from Rimini ONE has greatly reduced the need for our team to provide after-hours support and enabled them to spend more time on strategic projects that add greater value for our customers. The partnership is definitely paying off dividends.”

– Stefan Vargheese Engineering Manager
Featured Clients
Pacific Textiles Logo

With SAP, it could take up to four hours to get a ticket response. With Rimini Street, if we have a P1 critical issue, they respond within 10 minutes. And Rimini Street covers our customizations that we used to have to pay for additional professional services to support.”

– Hubert Tsang CIO
Featured Clients
Featured Clients

Within the first month of deploying Rimini Protect™ for SAP, we found several vulnerabilities which were quickly corrected. We never would have discovered all of these issues by just applying security patches.”

– Jeff Miller Director, Business Relationship Management

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