Professional software support and security to meet growing workloads

To save on support costs and avoid license compliance issues, companies are increasingly adopting open-source databases, which can require inefficient, labor-intensive self-support, community support, and trial and error.

Rimini Support™ for open-source databases can free up your IT team for more strategic business priorities, improve your database performance, and resolve issues faster to meet service levels for growing production and non-production workloads.

We deliver professional, commercial-grade support for all open-source databases including PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, and MongoDB. Our global, 24/7/365 support is led by Primary Support Engineers who average 20+ years of experience and deliver an average response time under 90 seconds for critical P1 and P2 issues.

We go beyond the traditional break/fix support and provide:
  • advanced support for both open-source and commercial databases, on-premises or in the cloud
  • flexible support for any number of servers, from one to thousands
  • scalable support for any data storage requirements, from small to up to 700TB
  • performance support
  • configuration support

full-time staff engineers across 21 countries


of database instances supported

Support for over

software products


overall average client satisfaction rating

Managed services for all your databases and applications

With Rimini Manage™ for Databases, we can manage your databases — open-source, commercial, or both. Our expert engineers understand open-source database interactions with enterprise applications and other technologies, so we can deliver high ROI and an exceptional, responsive database management experience.

From open-source to mature commercial database instances, our database managed services can help you fill IT skills gaps, simplify operations, solve interoperability issues, and optimize your database environments.

Rimini Manage™ services include:
  • database administration
  • database security
  • database infrastructure support
  • database architecture
  • problem diagnosis and troubleshooting
  • incident management
  • disaster recovery assistance

Benefits of partnering with Rimini Street

Get Commercial-Grade Support

Get Commercial-Grade Support

We’re experts in both commercial and open-source databases
Gain Value-Added Services

Gain Value-Added Services

We include performance support, configuration, and security advisory services at no extra cost
Seamlessly Fill IT Skills Gaps

Seamlessly Fill IT Skills Gaps

We can support all your databases and technology
Consider Integrated Support

Consider Integrated Support

Add enterprise applications to your Rimini Support

Open-source databases we support

Rimini Support for open-source databases includes support for:


Featured Clients

Featured Clients
Featured Clients

Having support from Rimini ONE has greatly reduced the need for our team to provide after-hours support and enabled them to spend more time on strategic projects that add greater value for our customers. The partnership is definitely paying off dividends.”

– Stefan Vargheese Engineering Manager
Featured Clients
Pacific Textiles Logo

With SAP, it could take up to four hours to get a ticket response. With Rimini Street, if we have a P1 critical issue, they respond within 10 minutes. And Rimini Street covers our customizations that we used to have to pay for additional professional services to support.”

– Hubert Tsang CIO
Featured Clients
Featured Clients

Within the first month of deploying Rimini Protect™ for SAP, we found several vulnerabilities which were quickly corrected. We never would have discovered all of these issues by just applying security patches.”

– Jeff Miller Director, Business Relationship Management

Let's Start a Conversation

How can Rimini Support for open-source databases help you meet your goals?

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